Flexserv HR Services
Proven HR Professionals
We provide the full spectrum of HR services in the amounts you need and at a small business price. Our recruiting services Include all of the same processes and results at a fraction of the price you pay to traditional recruiting firms.
Having Flexserv look after all of your HR offers several advantages. First, you will have a designated specialist from a team of experienced professionals who specialize in HR, ensuring that your HR tasks are handled efficiently and accurately. Additionally, Flexserv HR will save you time and resources, as you won't need to hire and train in-house HR staff. It might feel like you have full-time HR support, but you are only paying for the hours needed.
Top 5 reasons to use Flexserv HR Professionals
Get the support you need to manage the most important aspect of your business: Your People!
Flexserv HR Services
Develop or update your HR policies. If you have employees, you should have an employee handbook. We either start with what you have and update it, or we provide high-quality templates that we have developed, and tailor them to your business.
Flexserv specializes in HR functions and we stay updated with employment laws. This helps to ensure compliance and mitigate legal risks.

Flexserv HR FAQ's
Large corporations and governments average 1 HR person for every 100 staff. Therefore, using this ratio, if you have 20-30 staff, it may make sense to have approximately 1 day/week of an HR person. 40-50 staff might require 2-3 days per week of an HR person. If you are fewer than 20 staff, we suggest using the amount of time you need, when you need it until you grow into a one-day/week arrangement.